Handmade Lavender Gifts and How to Make the Best ones.

Thoughtful-Handmade-Lavender-Gifts-and-Crafts written on a purple background with the lavender Boat logo

A guide to help you make extra special Handmade Lavender Gifts like sachets, soaps, candles, potpourri, ornaments, arrangements, incense, and gift baskets.

How to Use Lavender Every Day – Best Lifestyle Tips

Lavender Lifestyle - How to Use Lavender Every Day written on a purple background with the Lavender Boat logo alongside

Follow this guide on How to Use Lavender Every Day and discover how lavender can be a part of your daily rituals with morning teas and baths and much more

How to Cook with Lavender – Best Recipes and Tips.

Cooking with Lavender - Recipes and Tips.

Learn how to cook with Lavender and add sweet floral flavour to baked goods, drinks, jams, and savoury dishes. Use it sparingly as dried buds or infused oil.

Using Lavender for Better Sleep and Relaxation The relaxing scent

Using Lavender for Better Sleep and Relaxation written on a purple background with the Lavender Boat logo alongside

A guide to explain how to use lavender for better sleep: The relaxing scent of lavender promote better sleep, relaxation through teas, pillows, essential oils,

Best Ways on How to Harvest Lavender – The Complete Guide

How to Harvest and Dry Lavender - The Complete Guide

A complete Guide on How to harvest lavender and then dry it to use, cut flower stalks, leaving 2-4 inches below the flowers. Gather into small bundles.and Hang

Best Tips on How to Grow Lavender – The Complete Guide

HOW TO GROW LAVENDER written on a purple background with the LAVENDER BOAT logo alongside

Lavender thrives with full sunlight, well-draining soil, infrequent watering, and pruning. Choose varieties suited for your climate. Plant in spring, harvest when blooming, and protect plants in winter.

Exploring the Most Popular Lavender Varieties.


With over 400 types, some of the most popular lavender varieties include English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Lavandin, Stoechas, and Wooly. Each has different growing habits, best uses, and aroma profiles.

What is the Interesting History of Lavender Cultivation

A BRIEF HISTORY OF LAVENDER written on a purple background with the LAVENDER BOAT logo next to it

Lavender has over 2,500 years of history spanning the Mediterranean, Europe, and Asia. Used since ancient times for perfumes, mummification, and therapeutics, lavender gained popularity in the Middle Ages. Spreading to Europe and the New World, lavender became valued for cooking, beauty, and medicinal purposes.


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