Aromatherapy: Lavender For Better Sleep

Lavender Aromatherapy For Better Sleep on a purple bakground and a link to the Lavender Boat website

I will let you in on a little secret that transformed my nights from restless to restful. It didn’t involve prescription pills, elaborate bedtime rituals, or counting countless sheep. Instead, it involved a modest plant with an enchanting scent: lavender.

Best Sudies on Lavender Oil for Improving Sleep Quality.

Studies on Lavender Oil for Improving Sleep Quality and Duration written on a purple background with the lavender boat logo alongside it

Studies show lavender aromatherapy helps people fall asleep faster, spend more time in deep sleep, and feel more energized in the morning versus controls. Lavender also improves sleep quality in the elderly

Using Lavender for Better Sleep and Relaxation The relaxing scent

Using Lavender for Better Sleep and Relaxation written on a purple background with the Lavender Boat logo alongside

A guide to explain how to use lavender for better sleep: The relaxing scent of lavender promote better sleep, relaxation through teas, pillows, essential oils,


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